This oil painting is 3D printed and is “entering a new world of painting” for the
artist whose practice until now has been painting. This is not a reproduction but a hybrid
between actual oil painting and digital brushes that move through the oil, in the thickness of
the paint and expand the practice of painting. This proposal creates a sequence between the
dimensions of an oil painting in a digital space that is printed in 3D.
3D printed direct to canvas on the J850 TechStyle 3D printer
Printer: J850 Prime
Credits: Netally Schlosser, Stratasys, Su-Pad, Dvir Gallery, Mifal Hapayis Art Incubator program, ArtLane Foundation. In collaboration with the Rock Deformation Laboratory of the Department of Natural Sciences at Ben-Gurion University.
![Red Sun, Photographer NK](
![Red Sun, Photographer Elad Sarig](